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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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How To Effectively Market With Video On The Web
Making the use of video for marketing, promotion, news and PR online a true key strategic component and key business differentiator for internet marketers who want to communicate effectively about their product profile and benefits within the shortest possible time. But effectively market with video on the web is not just just slamming some video content up on your web pages, read this article for more information.
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Many Hands Make Light Work - The Virtual Assistant
Hands up who wants an assistant to help them with the bill paying, basic word processing, phone answering, appointment scheduling and calendar maintenance. You can even train this assistant to go beyond administrative support to client development and marketing support. Some will even design web pages.
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Vacation property owners using web pages to increase visibility.
During the last 5 years the number of vacation rental properties being advertised on the internet directly from owner has exploded to well over 50,000.
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Using Classified Advertising to Test Content for Your Website or Blog - 12 Tips That Get Results
Advertising - 12 Tips That Get Results. Over the years I have found treating each web page as an advertisement creates a more effective web site. Here are 12 advertising tips can make the difference between good and no results when building web pages.
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The Importance of URL's in SEO - How It Affects Page Rank.
URL is imperative for your website and it’s good to highlight the brand name and products and services in the URL. The URL should be catchy and appealing for the web users but it should be search engine friendly as well. While crawling the web pages search engine spiders also consider pages having the search term in the URL.
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Using Ecommerce Templates
If youre thinking of designing your own website, you can save a lot of money by using ecommerce templates. While a website is a must if you want your business to grow, it can be a very costly project, especially if you hire someone else to help with the job. Although you may not consider yourself talented enough to design the site yourself, you will be surprised at how much easier it is to design web pages using ecommerce templates. With a little practice and effort, most bu...
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How to Register a New Domain Name
Registering a domain name is seen by many newcomers to the web as a really complicated, highly technical task that the average mortal cannot do.Nothing could be further from the truth.
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The Importance Of Content Adding A Weblog To Your Site
Continuing my theme of how as a small business you can improve your search engine results. In a previous article I extolled the virtues of article writing and in this one I shall consider the practicalities and usefulness of adding a weblog to your site in order to drive more traffic to your web pages. I am presuming that you have optimised your site, added numerous pages of content and update or add to that content at least on a weekly basis. All of this I did with our o...
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Blogs vs. Content-Sites
Now, I build content-sites, and in my free time, I still build more and more. To my definition, a content-site is more or less like what James Martell does. I would research for keywords, define my topics, list the content that I want to have in my site, and then start writing (or get somebody else to write for me). Done with that, then its about building the site, putting web pages together and getting a domain name and web hosting. After that, you go around looking...
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Building a Website is Easy
The thought of building a web page may be a daunting one, however they are quite easy to build and do not have to be expensive. There are many free editors online that make great web pages, and within a couple of hours anyone can have a professional looking website.
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Article Submissions Your Key to Traffic Success!
Webmasters every day are trying to get as much traffic driven to their own websites as possible. Some methods that they are using to attain high levels of traffic include search engine optimized web pages, purchased links, directory submissions, and of course pay per click campaigns, otherwise known as PPC. PPC campaigns take within Overtures system or Google Adwords.
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Are You a Multilingual Marketer?
Are you marketing in just one language? If so, you are missing out on 64.8% of your marketing potential. This is because 64.8% of the world is surfing the internet in a language other than English. By becoming a multilingual marketer, you immediately open up a stream of new markets. Google alone crawls web pages in 35 different languages.
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Useing Landing Pages And Why You Need One
Landing pages are simply web pages where visitors are directed to whenever they click a result in a web search or whenever they click a web ad. For affiliate marketing, landing pages would refer to the web page where you, as a merchant, would want your potential customer to be directed after clicking your ad on your affiliates website.
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3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online
Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. There is not a magic formula. It is mroe complicated than that. With these three marketing tips, you will be able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.
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Make A Nice Living Auto Surfing Online, Everyone Can Do It!
If you have been online for a while, most likely you have seen or heard the buzz about making money by surfing web pages, clicking on ads or reading emails. Can you really make a nice living by surfing online? The answer is a big YES, and it is proven by hundreds and thousands of people every day. The standard return is 1-4% daily. With 1% daily and using the compounding option, you can earn up to 600% -1000% or more in a year. Image invest $1000 and get back $6000 in...
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Learn How To Get High PR Links
In order to rank high in the search engine results (especially on Google) you need a series of elements, such as unique content, freshly updated web pages and, of course, plenty of links from high PR sites. PR actually refers to Googles algorithm PageRank used to determine the importance of a web page in relation with the others.
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Get Paid To Surf - The Next Big Thing
The latest concept for the internet entrepreneur is pay to surf. Do I mean you get paid to sit on your butt and surf web pages? Yes, absolutely! I know many people would think it impossible to get double digit returns on their money daily, but that is in fact what is promised by these sites.How do they work? The concept is very simple. You establish an account with them and then start surfing. They display pages that others want advertised on a timer of anywhere from 15 t...
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Everybodys Doing It: 3 Reasons You Should Have An Ebay Store
Testing the WatersIf youve ever dreamed of quitting your job and going into business for yourself, you may have considered online retail. But opening your own website is quite an undertakingyoull need to get a URL for your website, acquire a shopping cart, have someone design your web pages, get listed with the major search engines. And youre going to have to pay for all those services up front, which means youll need to have some capital set aside. So before y...
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Design Conventions: A Good Idea?
Even while searching for innovative ways to make their websites work, new designers should follow the established design conventions. These conventions have evolved along with the Internet, and users expect web pages to function in a certain way.If there were only a few websites, designers could expect visitors to spend time learning how to navigate their sites. There are millions of pages on the web, however, and if visitors do not see what they have come to expect, they...
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How To Hire A Copywriter
From a copywriter's point of view, it would be great if clients had a crystal ball that they could use to see which copywriter best suits their project. There are different types of writing and first-hand experience proves that only a handful of people really know there's a difference. To digress for a moment, we've even come across clients who think that web designers are supposed to write the copy for their web pages. Most don't. It makes sense. Web designers design. Web de...
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Writing Well for the Web
If you expect your potential clients to read the texts on your site, be especially particular about the content. Writing for the web has its own peculiarities in comparison with common publications. It is known that 79% Internet users just skip over the web pages, but rarely peruse them. It suggests that we should take pains to make their reading useful for them. Do not make these mistakes.
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How To Create Traffic Online With Article Marketing
The main function of many WebPages is to deliver information of value. People use search engines to find web pages that deliver information of value to them. This is where articles come in. Articles are used to give information of value to the online surfer. This demand for such articles converts them to an important marketing tool.A Simple ProcessArticle marketing is a simple process. First you have to write an article that is of great value to the readers. Then you ...
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Internet Business - Importance of Opt in Forms in Your Internet Marketing Website
In order for your visitors to be able to opt in to your list, you must have an opt in form on your web pages. This might seem so simple that it should not even be included in this writing, but think about this.